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Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I stepped on the scale this morning...237.5 lbs!

I just recently turned 33 years old and it was not always like this. Growing up I was very active, always playing sports. Is high school I played 3 sports: football, basketball and baseball. The seasons were all year round, 12 months year counting summer leagues and camps. Even in college I continued to play basketball and joined the golf team. After college I began running 5K races and continued to stay in shape. But...what has happened??

I am sure there are many others out there in a similar situation and I have decided to keep a journal on my health and fitness journey back to where I want to be. My motivation is for my kids! I have 2 boys, 18 months apart and the oldest is currently 26 months old, and they are everything to me and my wife. I want to make sure their Dad is healthy and can do all the things a Dad should be able to do with his kids as they grow up.

I have always had limited self-control when it comes to food. If it is there, I eat it. Now, I am going to make sure I limit those temptations and know what I am eating. I am going to research diets and nutritional information and post them here and look for feedback, I am going to account for the calories and what kind of calories right here for all to see and I am going to keep a journal of my daily activities.

I know there are more out there like me! Most my friends are in a similar situation! You go to work, sit in front of a computer and then go home, eat, watch TV and go to bed. I have seen the changes since children have come into my life. Instead of taking the 2 hours to mow the lawn with a push mower, I need to save time and bought a ride on to cut the task to 45 minutes. Golf, where I used to walk 18 holes twice a week is now a twice a month activity that usually involves a cart. And, exercise?? Who has time for up and 6:30 AM...down at 8 PM and then it is veg at the TV...

So, I hope others are ready to join me on my journey and I look forward to getting on with it, I snack on some trail mix and a 16 0z cup of water...


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