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Thursday, July 28, 2005


Breakfast? Who has time for breakfast? The first meal of the day has to be the one that is easily the most neglected. How many of us crave that extra 15-20 minutes of sleep each morning before racing through preparations to make it out of th ehouse and to work on time? I know I am one of those...add kids to the mix and trying to get them ready for their day and breakfast is pushed aside.

I have been making it a point to bring some sensible morning foods with me to work and eat one at 8 AM and another at 10 AM. This morning I had 1/2 a plain bagel and cheese stick around 8:30 and a nice serving of trial mix at 10 AM. I still have an apple and banana for additional snacks at noon and 3 PM.

For lunch this week I have substituted the high carb left over pastas that seem to have been a never ending stable of my life with approximately 3 cups of raisin bran. I have noticed the difference the last couple days as I have been less hungry and have had a little more energy throughout.

I also came across this article as one breakfast maker battles the nutritional police and promotes the importance of a healthy start to your morning, especially for children: A Good Start.

Hopefully others will share their ideas on how they get through a day at work without following the herd to McDonald's or Wendy's at noon time or the trip to Krispy Kreme in the morning...would love to hear your solutions to a healthy start to your day!


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