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Friday, July 29, 2005


Heart I really need to be concerned? You betcha! Everyone seems to be jumping on the fad diet craze with Atkins, Mayo Clinic, South Beach, etc. But, how practical is that when you have children? Children need a well balanced diet, as does your heart. Cutting out carbs and eating high levels of protein and fat, well, not exactly promoting a healthy heart and I will look at more and more articles promoting well-rounded diets that are more sensible for a 33 year old with kids!

I came across a new site that I will link up that promotes a heart healthy diet and it calculates the daily allowances that you would need. It also includes som great virtual tools to help you eat healthy for your heart (Healthy Heart). Heart disease for some reason is being overlooked these days as it seems to be pushed to the back burner, but it is still the leading cause of death in the United States and not just for those that age (Link on Heart Disease from NY Dept of Health).

A healthy of th ebiggest steps I can take to make sure I can enjoy my children and see my grandchildren is making sure I have a healthy heart and I am out to change my lifestyle through diet and exercise to make that happen!!

Yesterday's diet was the best day yet! Raisin bran, cheese stick, apple, banana, 1/2 plain bagel and trail mix while at work with a good amount of water! No soda for 4 days now! I am finding the days to be ok, the weekend is going to be the challenge. Dinner last night was taco's with the kids, limited to 3 and some other pickings, but I am doing better than anticipated. As I begin to track exercise and daily intake more with the tools I am finding and linking, I feel good about my chances of finding a successful course of action.

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Thursday, July 28, 2005


Breakfast? Who has time for breakfast? The first meal of the day has to be the one that is easily the most neglected. How many of us crave that extra 15-20 minutes of sleep each morning before racing through preparations to make it out of th ehouse and to work on time? I know I am one of those...add kids to the mix and trying to get them ready for their day and breakfast is pushed aside.

I have been making it a point to bring some sensible morning foods with me to work and eat one at 8 AM and another at 10 AM. This morning I had 1/2 a plain bagel and cheese stick around 8:30 and a nice serving of trial mix at 10 AM. I still have an apple and banana for additional snacks at noon and 3 PM.

For lunch this week I have substituted the high carb left over pastas that seem to have been a never ending stable of my life with approximately 3 cups of raisin bran. I have noticed the difference the last couple days as I have been less hungry and have had a little more energy throughout.

I also came across this article as one breakfast maker battles the nutritional police and promotes the importance of a healthy start to your morning, especially for children: A Good Start.

Hopefully others will share their ideas on how they get through a day at work without following the herd to McDonald's or Wendy's at noon time or the trip to Krispy Kreme in the morning...would love to hear your solutions to a healthy start to your day!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Best Laid Plans...

Well, I had every intention to start a new running program last night, but Mother Nature nixed that idea with some STRONG thunderstorms. A sign? Not is supposed to be a perfect night for a jog tonight, so I am going to hold myself to that plan!

My biggest challenge I think will be during the day, being stuck at a desk all day, sometimes you give in to the temptations of the vending machine or the person bringing donuts. Yesterday was a good day...1 Apple, 1 Banana, 1 cheese stick and raisin bran cereal and some trail mix. The evening was OK...sensible dinner, but high in carbs (ravioli), but we did top it off with some ice!! But, once I start running, I always notice myself easing on the evening snacks. Trying to cut out soda will be tough, too...but, if I limit my access, I will not go out of my way...limiting access is going to be a key.

Came upon an interesting site that should help in calculating calorie intake, as I would like to use a calorie counter, and nutritional information...looks a little overwhelming right now, but I think it will have all the info I need is the Nutrition Data Web site: Also has some free nutrition and health tools. I am going to add this site as a link and will explore it more.

Until next time...

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I stepped on the scale this morning...237.5 lbs!

I just recently turned 33 years old and it was not always like this. Growing up I was very active, always playing sports. Is high school I played 3 sports: football, basketball and baseball. The seasons were all year round, 12 months year counting summer leagues and camps. Even in college I continued to play basketball and joined the golf team. After college I began running 5K races and continued to stay in shape. But...what has happened??

I am sure there are many others out there in a similar situation and I have decided to keep a journal on my health and fitness journey back to where I want to be. My motivation is for my kids! I have 2 boys, 18 months apart and the oldest is currently 26 months old, and they are everything to me and my wife. I want to make sure their Dad is healthy and can do all the things a Dad should be able to do with his kids as they grow up.

I have always had limited self-control when it comes to food. If it is there, I eat it. Now, I am going to make sure I limit those temptations and know what I am eating. I am going to research diets and nutritional information and post them here and look for feedback, I am going to account for the calories and what kind of calories right here for all to see and I am going to keep a journal of my daily activities.

I know there are more out there like me! Most my friends are in a similar situation! You go to work, sit in front of a computer and then go home, eat, watch TV and go to bed. I have seen the changes since children have come into my life. Instead of taking the 2 hours to mow the lawn with a push mower, I need to save time and bought a ride on to cut the task to 45 minutes. Golf, where I used to walk 18 holes twice a week is now a twice a month activity that usually involves a cart. And, exercise?? Who has time for up and 6:30 AM...down at 8 PM and then it is veg at the TV...

So, I hope others are ready to join me on my journey and I look forward to getting on with it, I snack on some trail mix and a 16 0z cup of water...

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