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Thursday, August 04, 2005


Not much else you can say about the weather this summer! It has reaked havoc on my fitness schedule as the hot and humid evenings haven't been very comfortable for running. I am maintaining my diet pretty well. Sticking to the cereal, granola bar, fruit and almond snacks while at work, which was my biggest area of concern. Healthy eating for a healthy heart is my main area of concentration right now. Hopefully, a little cooler weather is in line for us!

Stay cool!

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Tuesday, August 02, 2005


The low-carb fad seems to be slowing to a crawl and the news yesterday that the Atkins based food company has filed for bankruptcy as Americans are catching on to the unhealthy side effects of the fad diets and going back to more research tested methods is proof in the pudding. Yahoo news has the story on the slowing of the Atkins craze (Atkins) avilable on-line and it is a good read on why to stay clear of these fad diets.

I just never found them very practical, sure, you could find a quick weight loss result and for that reason, they could be beneficial, but knowing that Dr Atkins dies with heart problems, probably was an inkling of the downsides of such a diet. Seeing that the new fads had very little research data, the unknowns were too much of a risk if your goal is to be healthy!

MSNBC also had stories going back nearly a year now on the side effects and proof that the weight lose will not last: MSNBC Studies. A healthy lifestyle, to me, will include well balanced diet and good exercise habits. That will be a more well-rounded impact on my health.

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Monday, August 01, 2005


As a parent with young children, this is more on more on my mind. Discovery Health Channel will be touring the country promoting this very topic (Press Release) the rest of this summer. Right now our 2-year old is starting to be more consistent with his likes and dislikes at the table. Trying to promote healthy eating and taste is very important to us and I will definitely be trying to see what I can learn from the Discovery Healthy Channel on your healthy family ideas for a heatlhy diet for all of us in our house.

My weight held steady for the past week. I really need to get into the exercise regime, but I did get out and about with the kids this weekend and a trip to the zoo was a lot of walking...however, getting the nutritional value of these trips out with a family is very challenging and we will need to think of better meal options away from home!

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